Deutsch-polnische Zukunft in Europa 2030

Deutsch-polnische Einblicke in die gemeinsame Zukunft 2030. Polnische und deutsche Jugendliche verraten uns in äußerst kreativer Art und Weise ihre Sicht der Zukunft in Europa zu Themen wie „Mensch, Umwelt, Technologie“, „Wirtschaft, Bildung und Soziales“ sowie „Kultur, Werte und Lebensstile“.

Song (Eigenkomposition)

We have different colors
We have different language
We have different cultures
But we are just the same

Heutzutage stellt sich die Frage
Wer wir sind
Wer wir sind
Wir sind Neandertaler
In einer fremden Welt
Mit der ganzen Welt vernetzt
Uns sind keine Grenzen gesetzt

Globalizacja ma plusy i minusy [Globalisierung hat Vorteile und Nachteile]
Lecz wolimy masze ursusy [Jedoch bevorzugen wir unsere Ursus-Traktoren]
Kochamy Polskę, kochamy nasz kraj [Wir lieben Polen, wir lieben unser Land]
Ale bez globalicaji nie byłoby to raj [Aber ohne Globalisierung wäre das kein Paradies]
Lubimy obce kraje [Wir mögen fremde Länder]
Niemcy też są spoko [Die Deutschen sind auch cool]
To nasz bardzo cieszy, że jesteśmy we Vlotho [Und es freut uns sehr, dass wir in Vlotho sind].

We have different colors
We have different language
We have different cultures
But we are just the same

Poem „Accept“

Sitting at home
Sitting in church
Sitting everywhere
But nobody cares
Not quite right

Everybody cares
And hates us for that
Be a muslim
Be a christ
Be an atheist

So tell me why
Why is a child
Why is a woman
Why is a man not quite right
Not quite right

We are alone
With our thoughts
With our “never been”
But nobody will accept the fact
That everybody should be himself!

I am a girl loving a girl
I am a boy loving a boy
I am human
But nobody cares
Hates us for loving

Hates us for being
Hates us for everything
Nothing is right
Nothing is wrong
And I hate everyone

Thought we are a community
Thought we have humanity
Thought we are a society
We want to be free
We want to be “We”

We want to be real
So think about our future
So think about our life

Poem „The sky is moved“

The sky is moved
This is proved
And we know that your social life is nothing
Because internet is everything
Ping on the pc is low

Because internet isn’t anymore slow
Today the artificial intelligence
Is not more a magnificence
Humans are clever
But robots can predict the weather

Now all jobs are done by robots
And we are viewed by them as pork chops
But I think we have bigger problems here
Now all jobs are done by robots
And we are viewed by them as pork chops

But I think we have bigger problems here
Ones that are not going to disappear
If the people don’t save the nature fast
This could be for the world the last
The sands of time never rendered fear

Blue skies on high no longer dear
Stars were bright from where they came
Now dark, obscured, pollution’s haze
Pouring of concrete and tearing of trees
This is the environment that surrounds me

However not all hope is lost
Humanity is uttermost
We’ll live and adopt and evolve
All of the problems we’ll resolve
To be honest this future is bright

But let’s hope that I’m for once night
We won’t need to die because why should we
The death won’t be coming for you and for me
Hunger won’t be a problem when moving onwards
Injury? No issue, we’ll get you a new heart

And if you want to get it even better
We have cyber implants, our newest trendsetter
We’ll have no problems and no borderline
We’ll cross them all, while singing this rhyme
Harder, better, faster, stronger
Our improvement is never over

Charlotte, Justin, Elisabeth, Niels, Lea, Sabrina, Annalena, Juline, Olena, Celina, Steve, Gianna, Mirka, Aaron, Viola, Agata, Joanna, Adrianna, Emilia, Julia, Aleksandra, Dawid, Szymon, Julia, Beata, Joanna, Maria, Jakub, Wiktoria