Discussing different problems of youth like loneliness, a lack of help and social contact as well as no place to go with friends or to meet friends we came up with a solution for all these problems. Inspired by our previous trips we wanted to start a Youth Center.
Quickly we realized that there as no clear and straight forward way to just get a Youth Center from nothing. We came up with a plan that is as realistic as possible as well as being presentable in a short video. To make the video more interesting and not just solid 5 minutes of us talking we added examples what the life of young people looks like without and with a Youth
Center, exaggerated to convey our message more clearly. To round it up we made it look like a YouTube Do it Yourself Tutorial.

Group members: Łukasz, Kamil, Arunav, Matei, Frederick
Our idea is to build the youth center, because there are not enough places in
Latvia, Poland, Romania where young people can meet, spend free time, educate
themselves. So we make a short video to make the community aware of the need
of such a place.
The video shows that a youth center is good not only for youth, but also for the
development of the community.
Youth center is not a boring place, but it can be fun and useful.
We believe that our idea can be replicated in different parts of the world.